Woodanilling Family Lawyers

Family Breakdown? Separated or Separating?

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Contact our Affordable and Professional Woodanilling Family Lawyers

Woodanilling Family Lawyers
Want An Affordable WA Lawyer Who Understands Family Law?

If you have already separated or are thinking about separating, And you have children, property or business interests then getting the right family law advice is a must.  The cost of not doing so is immense.  Both emotionally and financially.  You need experienced, compassionate and affordable legal representation.  Our team of  Western Australian Family Lawyers has the experience and knowledge to guide you through every step to receive the best possible outcome.

Let us do the heavy lifting as dealing with family law issues is emotionally challenging.  We provide the support and guidance you’ll need so you can be enjoying a new future with confidence and clarity.

Need a Family Lawyer For Fair Property Division & Settlements in Woodanilling?

When going through a divorce or separation you’ll want expert advice and representation to ensure a fair division of property assets.

Our Western Australian Family Lawyers have the experience in teasing apart complex financial matters to action for separating partners.

Breakdown of a relationship is commonly emotionally charged.  That’s why we work with you to resolve your family law financial asset division with practical and pragmatic steps. 

You’ll get clear advice on your legal rights and claims and options that mean you can make good informed decisions.

ABMS Family Lawyers can assist you to work with your ex partner to calculate, negotiate and finalise:

  • Spousal maintenance
  • Transfer of property
  • Property settlement
  • Division of assets
  • And more

We understand that your family law matter is unique, and we tailor our approach so it suits your individual needs. 

Contact us today to find our how we can help you with a single call.  

Discover the Perth family legal team that’s the right fit for you.

Do You Have Children? You’ll Appreciate Our Child Support Legal Expertise.

If you are divorced, separated and have children under the age of 18, speak to our Perth child support lawyers who know the WA Family Law.

We are highly experienced in all aspects of child support family law and you’ll receive practical advice and assistance on what is correct information and what is fair based on your individual situation.

Our locally focused lawyers that know Woodanilling and it’s surrounds also understand that your children need minimal conflict and maximum resolution in the shortest amount of time for their own emotional wellbeing.  

But sometimes, you’ll need strong representation to ensure all parties are participating and by leaving the difficult steps to us, you can indeed minimise obvious conflict.

We’ll engage with your ex partner so you can reach an agreement around child support and make sure that the payments are made and they are of an amount fair to all parties.

  • Making and enforcing child support orders
  • Establishing child support
  • Child support and tax
  • Changing child support orders
  • Recovering unpaid child support
  • Calculating child support

Contact us today to speak about child support with one of our knowledgeable family lawyers.

Are You Going Through A Difficult Asset Division & Financial Separation?

Asset division for separated couples can be contentious and having a clear and thorough process will make the process easier for both parties. We can help!

Property settlement and asset division are required for separated couples to end their financial relationship.

Without doing so, your former spouse still has a degree of control and it will be harder to move on to the next stage of your life. Resolving a financial dispute requires skill, experience and expert knowledge.

ABMS Lawyers are experts in property settlement & financial separation, we can provide you with the advice and assistance you need to reach a fair and equitable agreement. We understand that every family is different, and we will tailor our approach to suit your individual needs.

ABMS Lawyers can assist you with:

  • Spousal maintenance
  • Property settlement
  • Division of assets
  • Business Valuation
  • Transfer of property

We understand that this is a difficult time for you, and we will work with you to find the best solution for your family.

Contact us today to speak to our lawyers about your situation.

Do You Know When Spousal Support & Maintenance is Payable and How Much?

If you are considering separating from your spouse, or have already done so, you may be entitled to, or liable for spousal maintenance.

It can be that you are not receiving the agreed-upon amount in support or that you are paying too much in support. Do you feel like you are paying beyond a reasonable spousal support rate? Talk to our team today about getting your agreement adjusted to fit what is fair.

Spousal maintenance is financial support that is paid by one spouse to the other and is used to help maintain the standard of living that was enjoyed during the marriage.

The amount of spousal maintenance that is payable will depend on a number of factors, including the needs of the spouse and the ability of the other spouse to pay. Maintenance is not always payable, and it is not always payable for life.

ABMS Lawyers are experienced in all aspects of spousal maintenance and can provide you with practical advice and assistance. We can help you to reach an agreement with your spouse about maintenance, and make sure that the payments are made.

Contact us today to speak to our lawyers about your situation.

Want to Ensure Parental Responsibility in Woodanilling?

Orders can be put in place or existing orders can be updated to make sure that  parental responsibility of a child or children is protected.

The Family Law Act stipulates the best interests of the child as the most important consideration when deciding on a child’s living arrangements to be made when parents separate. In most cases, it is in the best interests of the child to spend equal time with both parents.

What is Parental Responsibility?

If you and your partner have recently separated or you are thinking about separating and you have children, there are several decisions you need to make to ensure your children’s welfare is not at risk. This includes:

  • How much time will the children spend with the parent they are not living with
  • Who will have the responsibility to make proper decisions for your children in respect to schooling and medical issues and other long-term care and welfare issues.
  • Where will the children live, with who and for how long.
  • When making these decisions, you are encouraged by law to ensure those decisions are in the best interests of your children. This principle should be the driving factor when you are negotiating your parenting agreement whether you are in Court or not.

The Best interests of the child is the most important factor to be considered when making decisions regarding children. It is in a child’s best interests that:

  • Children are protected from physical or psychological harm, abuse, neglect and family violence.
  • Both parents have meaningful involvement in the children’s live where possible, and
  • The children receive proper parenting from both parents to help reach their full potential, and each parent meets their responsibilities as a parent.

It is also in a child’s best interests that their parents cooperate with each other and communicate openly to resolve any differences they may have regarding the care of their children. If parents cannot agree on parenting arrangements, then they may need to seek the assistance of a family law mediation service or through the Court process.

What Are Your Rights and Responsibilities in a De Facto Relationship Separation? 

If you have been in a De-facto relationship and you are now separated then talk to our team today about sorting out your parenting plans and financial asset division. 

We can advise you on what constitutes a de facto relationship in the eyes of the law and your rights with respect to property, maintenance and children in the event of a relationship breakdown.

A de facto relationship is defined by the Family Law Act as a couple who are not married but live together on a genuine domestic basis. In order to be considered to be in a de facto relationship, you must have lived together for at least two years or had a child together.

A couple can be of the same or opposite sex and does not need to have registered their relationship with the state or territory in which they live.

De facto relationships are treated similarly to marriages under Australian law, which means that couples who separate after living together in a de facto relationship have the same property rights as married couples. This includes the right to seek a property settlement from the Court.

De facto couples also have the same maintenance rights as married couples, which means that they can seek financial support from their former partner if they are unable to support themselves financially.

Finally, de facto couples also have the same parental responsibility rights as married couples with respect to their children. This means that they can both make decisions about their children’s education, healthcare and welfare.

If you are in a de facto relationship and are thinking about separating, then you should contact us to discuss your legal rights and options. We can assist you with negotiating a property settlement and applying for maintenance, as well as advise you on your parental responsibility rights.

Filing For A Divorce?

Contact our experienced divorce lawyers for Woodanilling.

For many, getting a divorce is a very difficult process. Not only is there the emotional stress of a relationship breakdown, but there are also many other things to deal with such as legal and financial paperwork.

At ABMS Lawyers, we understand how difficult this time can be and we are here to help you through the process. We can assist you with all aspects of your divorce, from filing the necessary paperwork with the Court to negotiating a property settlement.

We understand that every divorce is different and we will tailor our advice to your individual circumstances. We also understand that some couples may want to avoid going to Court and we are experienced in mediation and collaborative law, which are alternatives to the traditional litigation process.

We can also assist you with applying for a divorce if your spouse is overseas or if you have been married for less than two years and you are unable to locate your spouse.

If you are thinking about getting a divorce, then contact us today to discuss your situation. We can provide you with the advice and assistance you need to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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